Trying to find the mist

tony-tomlinson-photography-derwent-water-myrtle-bay-mist- reflections-landscape- lake-district- sunrise

The forecast was for a hard frost during the night, but mist was scheduled to appear just before sunrise in several locations, not wanting to drive to far in case of a now-show, I decided to head for Derwent Water, as this is normally a good location for misty conditions.
My plan was to head for the southern shores of the lake to try and capture something a little different form the images that I already have of Catbells etc bathed in mist.

Myrtle, and Abbots Bay’s were my intended locations, for which I did not have a pre-determined plan on what I wanted to do, or capture, one of them times when you just shoot what appears at the time.

I soon found a partly submerged fence which had collapsed in the middle, I managed to get a couple of shots using this as the main interest, with the bank of mist in the background.

tony-tomlinson-photography-Derwent- Water-myrtle-bay-mist- reflections-landscape- lake-district- sunrise
A broken fence at Myrtle Bay on Derwent Water

From here I took a 2-minute walk along the path towards Great Bay to find the trees and shrubbery were covered in a Hoare Frost, so I had a play-about here trying to pick out some of the frost covered shrubs and trees against a dark background.

tony-tomlinson-photography-derwent- water-myrtle-bay-mist- reflections-landscape- lake-district-sunrise
A shrub covered in Hoare frost

Back to the lakeshore, but slightly further along, I came across a lovely little lone tree which was growing on a partly submerged rock, the water was flat calm, so allowing the tree to create a lovely reflection in the water’s surface, I played about with this composition for a while, capturing a couple of very nice images as I did.

I then found another frozen puddle, this time on one of the rocks that protrude out into the water, I thought the ice formation would make an original fore ground item, so set about taking a image of this.

tony-tomlinson-photography-derwent-water-myrtle-bay-mist- reflections-landscape- lake-district- sunrise
A frozen puddle in the rocks on the shore of Derwent Water looking towards Walla Crag

By now the sun was up and most of the mist had dispersed, but a huge bank of mist remained at the northern end of the lake, even though the sky was cloudless, the sun was illuminating the wintery Skiddaw with its brown winters colour, so I grabbed a few images of this view, and of course captured a panoramic of the whole scene, as I do!

After this I went back to the car to set off home, but has I drove along the lower slopes of Catbells towards Portinscale, I notice that the mists were moving along the lake towards Lords island, which was becoming swamped in mist, I stopped the car jumped out and grabbed a image of this scene, no planning, just point the camera and shoot, surprisingly, (I think) that this is one of the best images form the whole mornings trip.

tony-tomlinson-photography-derwent-water-myrtle-bay-mist- reflections-landscape- lake-district- sunrise
Lords Island slowly being engulfed by the bank of mist flowing along the lakes surface

Until next time, stay safe, enjoy your photography, and please feel free to comment on this news article or on any of the images contained within it.

The first two mornings photography of 2024.

tony-tomlinson-photography-wastwater-wasdale-lake-winter-landscape, lake district, mountains, sunrise,

Wishing you all a Happy New Year.

After the recent appalling weather that we have endured during the Christmas holiday period, it was refreshing to see a reasonable weather forecast for the first working weekend on the New Year, to begin this year’s photography exploits.

1st Mornings Trip.

The first trip of the weekend as planned to be Wasdale, overcast conditions were forecast, but when I left the house, I found the car covered in a layer of frost, on the drive to Wasdale, my concern was that the sky’s would be cloudless and not very photogenic.

I arrived well before sunrise, not that this matters at this location as the sun needs to clear the imposing screes and Scafell before any light begins to reach the valley.

I parked the car and decided to take a long leisurely walk along the shoreline of the lake and see what photographic options confronted me I found a selection of images has I walked along the Lakes shoreline, looking for any interesting leading lines, and keeping an eye out for any interesting light that may appear.

At first, I used a couple of rock formations for the foreground interest, not very original, but I had to use something.

tony-tomlinson-photography-wastwater-wasdale-lake-winter-landscape, lake district, mountains, sunrise,
Looking along Wast Water towards the fells of Yewbarrow, Great Gable, Kirk fell, and Scafell

I next found a little water inlet which became the foreground and its shape sending the eye through the image.

tony-tomlinson-photography-wastwater-wasdale-lake-winter-landscape, lake district, mountains, sunrise,
Looking along Wast Water towards the fells of Yewbarrow, Great Gable, Kirk fell, and Scafell

I then scrambled on to some rocks that were stretching out into the water of the lake to try and make some use of them, the image is below, do you think I have succeeded in make an original image of a well worked scene?

tony-tomlinson-photography-wastwater-wasdale-lake-winter-landscape, lake district, mountains, sunrise,
Looking along Wast Water towards the fells of Yewbarrow, Great Gable, Kirk fell, and Scafell

I could not resist in shooting the good old “Selfie”, I think by placing myself in the image it adds an element of scale to the scene. What are your thoughts on the “Selfie” images, are they a gimmick, or are they a useful tool to use?

There were some Birch trees on the far shore of the lake, stripped of their foliage, but the branches having turned that purple-ish colour which contracts to the sharp silver of the tree’s trunks. This contracting with the greens and browns of the winter foliage on the ground.

tony-tomlinson-photography-wastwater-wasdale-lake-winter-landscape, lake district, mountains, sunrise, birch trees,
A copse of Birch trees on the far shore of Wast Water.

Has I trudged over a sodden peat bog heading towards the road, I found a little puddle which was frozen, but the leaves and vegetation was visible through the ice, I positioned the camera to create a leading line of this puddle, looking towards the huge fells of Yewbarrow, and Great Gable.

To finish off the mornings photography I decided to create a panoramic of the vista that is Wasdale head, with Yewbarrow on the left, Great Gable in the center and Scafell on the right.

tony-tomlinson-photography-wastwater-wasdale-lake-winter-landscape, lake district, mountains, sunrise,
A panoramic image looking along Wast Water towards the fells of Yewbarrow, Great Gable, Kirk fell, and Scafell

Day 2’s Trip.

The forecast was for a hard frost during the night, but mist was scheduled to appear just before sunrise in several locations, not wanting to drive to far in case of a now-show, I decided to head for Derwent Water, as this is normally a good location for misty conditions.

My plan was to head for the southern shores of the lake to try and capture something a little different form the images that I already have of Catbells etc bathed in mist.

Myrtle, and Abbots Bay’s were my intended locations, for which I did not have a pre-determined plan on what I wanted to do, or capture, one of them times when you just shoot what appears at the time.

I soon found a partly submerged fence which had collapsed in the middle, I managed to get a couple of shots using this as the main interest, with the bank of mist in the background.

tony-tomlinson-photography, Derwent Water, myrtle bay, mist, reflections, landscape, lake district, sunrise,
A broken fence at Myrtle Bay on Derwent Water

From here I took a 2-minute walk along the path towards Great Bay to find the trees and shrubbery were covered in a Hoare Frost, so I had a play-about here trying to pick out some of the frost covered shrubs and trees against a dark background.

tony-tomlinson-photography, Derwent Water, myrtle bay, mist, reflections, landscape, lake district, sunrise,
A shrub covered in Hoare frost

Back to the lakeshore, but slightly further along, I came across a lovely little lone tree which was growing on a partly submerged rock, the water was flat calm, so allowing the tree to create a lovely reflection in the water’s surface, I played about with this composition for a while, capturing a couple of very nice images as I did.

I then found another frozen puddle, this time on one of the rocks that protrude out into the water, I thought the ice formation would make an original fore ground item, so set about taking a image of this.

By now the sun was up and most of the mist had dispersed, but a huge bank of mist remained at the northern end of the lake, even though the sky was cloudless, the sun was illuminating the wintery Skiddaw with its brown winters colour, so I grabbed a few images of this view, and of course captured a panoramic of the whole scene, as I do!

tony-tomlinson-photography, Derwent Water, myrtle bay, mist, reflections, landscape, lake district, sunrise,
This little tree growing on a partly submerged rock which was perfectly reflected in the waters surface

After this I went back to the car to set off home, but has I drove along the lower slopes of Catbells towards Portinscale, I notice that the mists were moving along the lake towards Lords island, which was becoming swamped in mist, I stopped the car jumped out and grabbed a image of this scene, no planning, just point the camera and shoot, surprisingly, (I think) that this is one of the best images form the whole mornings trip.

tony-tomlinson-photography, Derwent Water, Lords island' mist, reflections, landscape, lake district, sunrise,
Lords Island slowly being engulfed by the bank of mist flowing along the lakes surface

Until next time, stay safe, enjoy your photography, and please feel free to comment on this news article or on any of the images contained within it.

A Magical Mornings Photography

tony-tomlinson-photography, river-brathay, elterwater, langdale-pikes, lake-district, cumbria, uk, autumn, mist,

As the 2023 autumn season comes to an end, the weather forecast for the weekend was looking very promising.

Mild daytime temperatures with cold nights and the prospect of frost which create good conditions for a misty morning.

I had one day available, Saturday, so plans were made and alarm set for an early rise the next morning.

Once underway, my hopes for a misty morning were heightened has I passed Bassenthwaite Lake, it was covered in a canopy of mist, then has I drove around Keswick and began the rise up towards Castlerigg, I could see Derwent Water was also covered in mist.

I was very happy, but, once alongside Thirlmere, not an once of mist anywhere, as was Grasmere and  Rydal Water, my hopes of seeing any morning mist were now evaporating as fast as the vanishing mists.

As I turned out of Ambleside and headed for Elterwater, signs of mist along the rivers surface, could I be in luck after driving all this way?

I pulled in to the roadside parking area at the Skelwith Bridge Hotel, I was surprised to see it nearly full, surly there wasn’t that many photographers at the River Brathay already, after all it was still 25 minutes to sunrise.

As I opened the gate on to the meadows that border the River, I could only smile to myself, cold conditions, with ground frost, and, banks of mist, YES.

I walked not 50 meters before I had the camera out of the bag, 1 shot, 2 shots, 3 shots, I was in seventh heaven.

tony-tomlinson-photography, river-brathay, elterwater, langdale-pikes, lake-district, cumbria, uk, autumn, mist,
First View of the River Brathay looking towards the Langdale Pikes.

I eventually got to the path that follows the rivers route and was planning my pitching point, but has I got closer I could see a line of people, then another couple, then some more, and more, all photographers hunting that elusive photograph, I counted at least 16 in total, in all the years I have been shooting landscape photography, I have never seen this may photographers in one place.

I was late, too late to grab one of the “honey pot” locations, so I had a stroll about, and decided to go up the bank, a place that I have never shot form before.

One set up I stood and watched the ever-changing flow of mist, intertwined with the rising suns light, looking down the river and back towards Elterwater and the Langdale Pikes.

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The mist just kept rolling in.

I was perplexed, the views along the river were astonishing, but when turning to my right the views towards the Langdale Pikes were just has enthralling.

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The house is hidden by the bank of mist.

I was like a kid in a sweet shop, snap, snap, snap, as the conditions changed and differing compositions came and went.

A hour and a half went in the blink of an eye, some of my fellow photographers had departed the scene so I had a stroll down to the river side to view what compositions were available as the sun began to rise over the ridgeline to the east.

I found a lovely scene which forms the featured image for this post, the sun breaking over the hill to illuminate the mist that was glued to the waters surface and helped pick out the gorgeous reflections in the waters surface.

The sun then began to strike the various copses of trees that are spread around the meadows, it was then a matter of picking out the images that attracted my interest, what I ideally wanted was any side, or backlight autumnal coloured leaves.

I think that I managed a couple of good images, here is one, what do you think of the photo, does it capture the autumnal colours of the leaves, please comment if you wish.

tony-tomlinson-photography, river-brathay, elterwater, langdale-pikes, lake-district, cumbria, uk, autumn, mist,
A copse of trees which are back-light by the rising sun, surrounded by a carpet of mist.

I now began to notice the excellent reflections in the water which were becoming more noticeable as the mists began to rise revealing these lovely images, a example of these views is attached below.

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Lovely coloured autumnal trees reflected in a perfectly still water of the River Brathay with a hint of remaining mist.

To finish off I could not omit to include one of the many panoramic images that I took which (I think) capture the atmosphere of the morning. All told a thoroughly enjoyable 3 hours, which were arguably the best mornings photography of the year.

tony-tomlinson-photography, river-brathay, elterwater, langdale-pikes, lake-district, cumbria, uk, autumn, mist,
A panoramic image of the view that enthralled me.

Until my next adventure, thank you for finding the time to read this news update, stay safe and enjoy your weekends.





My one and only Autumnal photography of this Year

Derwent Island, in Derwent Water, Keswick in the English Lake District dressed in Autumnal colours. tony-tomlinson-photography.
This years Autumnal season has passed me by in a blink of an eye. I was astonished to find that it was over a month since I was last out with the camera, the joys of being a “Weekend Photographer”.
Even though family commitments were again taking preference, I was determined to get out on the Sunday morning, even though the forecast was not the best.
Because of the poor weather forecast, I was not prepared to plan a long journey, so it was off to Borrowdale to see what materialised, and hopefully include some woodland photography.
Has I approached Keswick there appeared to be the possibility of some mist over the Lake, so a short detour was the order of the day.
Upon arriving on the Lake Shore via Crow Park, the light was very nice indeed, Derwent Island was dressed in its Autumnal colours, a photograph waiting to be taken.
From here I quickly shot round to Isthmus bay, where I captured a lovely image of the old jetty looking out towards the Cumbrian Mountains.
Isthmus Jetty, in Isthmus bay, Derwent Water, Keswick in the English Lake District dressed in Autumnal colours. tony-tomlinson-photography.
Isthmus Jetty, Isthmus Bay, Derwent Water,
From the shore of Derwent Water, I made my way to Grange Fell where I was hoping to secure some woodland photography images, this is genre of photography is well outside my comfort zone, but I really wanted to get some images of the remaining Autumnal season.
Once up on the lower slopes of the Fell there were gorgeous shades of oranges, browns and reds on the trees, but the hard part is always finding compositions form the surrounding chaos.
Disappointingly the whole area was in shade, but the rising sun was beginning to strike the surrounding ridge lines, this was my starting point.
Silver Birch trees on a ridge line on Grange Fell in Borrowdale, dressed in golden brown Autumnal coloured leaves.tony-tomlinson -photography
Silver Birch trees on a ridge line on Grange Fell in Borrowdale.
I then found several knurly old trees covered in green moss, (I’m sorry I am not sure what type of tree they are), these really attracted me to them, but by god, it takes some time to pick out a suitable composition, still you have to learn somewhere, haven’t we?
Knurled trees on Grange Fell in Borrowdale, dressed in golden brown Autumnal coloured leaves.tony-tomlinson -photography
Knurled trees on Grange Fell in Borrowdale,
I then found what appeared to be a tree with three trunks, again a little pottering about to find the best place to shoot it, what do you think of this photo, does it create interest for you ?
A tree with what appears to be three trunks.tony-tomlinson -photography
A tree with what appears to be three trunks.

As I was walking out of the woods a stumbled across some small toadstool or fungi like plants hidden in the undergrowth, time for some macro photos, these plants looked really nice, so I was careful not to tread on any has I retuned to the path.

Fungi hidden on the floor of the woods on Grange Fell in Borrowdale. tony-tomlinson-photography
Fungi hidden on the floor of the woods on Grange Fell

After a really enjoyable time in the woods, I decided to head to the southern shores of Derwent Water to try my luck in capturing some images of the lovely morning light striking Otter Island and the surrounding areas. As I arrived the light was really nice, shining on Otter Island and the far side of Abbots Bay, as I began to set up sods law struck again, the sun became hidden behind the bloody clouds. Despite waiting for just over an hour, there was no sign of any improvement, so I decided to grab the panoramic image and head home for a well deserved breakfast.

Abbots Bay and Otter Island on Derwent Water looking towards Skiddaw and Walla Crag. tony-tomlinson-photography
Abbots Bay & Otter Island, Derwent Water looking towards Blencathra and Walla Crag. 
It Just goes to show, the weather forecast is not always right, and I was well pleased to have made the effort to get out.
I thoroughly enjoyed the six hours that I was out during the morning on my adventures, I makes you relies how much I  enjoy what I do.
Thank you for your likes, comments and shares, as always, until the next post, take care.

A visit to the Cumbria Woodland Photography Hide


I have visited the hide on many occasions over a period of 18 months or so, the development of the hide during this period is astonishing, a sign of the hard and dedicated work that Stephen and Linda have put in to the project.

I was met by Linda who loaded the bird feed stations, and we had a chat about the hide and how it has improved and developed over the months and years.

Whilst we were chatting the small birds were fizzing about, obviously they knew they were going to get some food.

Once the feed was set, Linda left me to get on with the photography.

Tony Tomlinson Photography at the Cumbria Woodland Photography Bird Hide

I soon had the camera mounted on the gimbal for which there are two mounting plates if you choose to use them, bean bags are also available to use if required.

A couple of improvements that I noted right away once I got settled in the  hide were that it now had a solid wooden floor installed and two fully adjustable office type chairs have been provided, very comfortable they are too.

It was not long to the small finches, and tits began diving down for the food that was on offer for them, and I was surprised how out of practice I was in trying to capture them as they landed and took off from the feeding areas.

Tony Tomlinson Photography at the Cumbria Woodland Photography Hide: Robin

Linda had placed some food to entice the Sparrow hawk on to one of the perches, as with all wildlife there are no guarantees that they will show, but we are always hopeful.

After a hour or so, there was a brown flash across the front of the hide, not more that three feet away from me, the bird landed, and took off in a split second, and in total silence.

It was only after the bird had disappeared that I realised that the bird was a female Sparrow Hawk which had caught on of the small tits on the ground,  that was its dinner for today, sad, but that is nature.

The little birds scattered after this and took a little while for them to return, they are not so daft.

Tony Tomlinson Photography at the Cumbria Woodland Photography Hide: Great Tit

The selection of birds on view was amazing, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Long Tailed Tits, Chaffinches, Bullfinches, Nuthatch, Robin, Sparrow Hawk, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Tree Creeper, and more, these certainly keep you busy.

After a couple of hours my luck was in, in a blink of an eye the male Sparrow Hawk landed on the perch, not far from the food, but it seemed very edgy and cautious, I fired off some frames in the camera, but then as suddenly as it arrived it was off, obviously something spooked it.

As disappointed as I was that the hawk did not hang around, it is still a privilege to be able to photograph one in the wild.

Tony Tomlinson Photography at the Cumbria-Woodland Photography Hide: Sparrow Hawk

For the remaining time that I was at the hide, the small birds just kept coming, a couple of times I glanced up as a large bird circling above the hide, I surmised that this was the Sparrow Hawk, as there was food on offer for it, but it did not land again whilst I was there.

On this occasion I was at the hide for just over 3 hours, 3 hours of great enjoyment and satisfaction.

If you fancy a go at bird photography, please contact Stephen of Linda via Facebook, they provide bags of advice and will guide you through the learning process if you need it. If you are an experienced wildlife photographer, please consider a visit to the hide, I am confident you will not be disappointed.

Tony Tomlinson Photography at the Cumbria Woodland Photography Hide. Long Tailed Tit and Blue Tit

I hope you find this news article interesting, until next time, stay safe and enjoy what you do.


Visiting the Northumberland Coast


Our visit to the Northumberland Coast was to be based at Blyth, staying in the highly recommended Commissioners Quay Hotel/Restaurant.

During our stay the hotel staff were fantastic, the food was delicious with the price of our stay was reasonably priced. A link to the hotel is here .

The plan for the long weekends stay was to mix the photography with some relaxation time for us, and fitting a planned family visit.

We found Blyth to a good base from where the Northumberland Coast could be visited, it also has an excellent beach of its own with many photo compositions to be had along its substantial length.

The first days photography began with a rather late start to the photography, cantered on several locations located on the Blyth beach, this included the harbour break water jetty, the lighthouse and the lovely painted beach hunts located on the shore front.

By the time I got out the sun was well up, and despite the gorgeous sunny weather the light was harsh and very direct, it was a matter of making the best of what the weather gods had sent to us.

After a couple of hours it was time to get back to the hotel to pick up the Mrs. Tomlinson then head out on our days travels.

Blyth Harbour and Piers

We decided to initially head up the coast road with to visit the many small quaint fishing villages along the coast, our first stop being Newbiggin-by-the-sea. I wanted to take a look at the unique statues that create the focal point of the beach area.

Sadly the tide was receding when we arrived which ensured that any photos taken of this feature would include a lot of the shoreline, I found this to be too distracting so declined the chance to take any photos with the camera, but I did get some snaps with my phone.

The bay is a lovely curved bay, with a copious covering of golden sand.

A brief article relating to Newbiggin-by-the-Sea can be found here:

After a walk around the village in which we gained an appreciation of the quaintness of the village, we boarded the car to head further north.

Newbiggin by the Sea Northumberland

Upon leaving Newbiggin, we put too much faith in the sat-nav, where we soon ended up on the A1 heading north, not where we wanted to be, despite this small miss-calculation we decided to push north all the way to Bamburgh using the main road as this would get us there in the quickest time.

As we drove into Bamburgh village, we were faced with wall to wall cars, the place was heaving, it took over 10 minutes to drive through the center of the village to reach the car park at the castle,  after finding a parking place we paid the £4 parking fee and headed towards the castle, only to be informed that we would have to pay to enter the castle grounds, a fee of £15.50p each would enable us to do this.

We declined this offer, headed back to the car and set off to look for somewhere to grab some food.

We ate a lovely freshly made toasty sandwich and slice of cheese cake at the Copper Kettle Tearooms, another venue that we would highly recommend, a link to their reviews can be found here.

After the lovely food and drinks we headed to the north shore looking for a parking place to view the castle from the beach.

Once parked I gathered up the camera gear and made a beeline to the beach, further details can be found here.

The tide was incoming, but was still quite a distance out which created vast expanses of sand, and rocks which needed some careful consideration when lining up any compositions.

I found some brightly covered algae in a pool on some black rocks which I tied to use in a composition with the castle in the background.

Next stop was to try and use the crashing waves as a leading line towards the castle, the only problem here, was the vast number of people on the beach and in the water, so a long, long exposure was used to try and remove as many of these moving people as possible.

Some careful post processing and editing would be needed to remove other stationary people form the images.

I then captured several panoramic images of the castle from the beach, hoping to give me some lee-way when post processing these into a reasonable photo on the computer.

Bamburgh Castle and Beach, Northumberland

After a couple of hours exploring the beach, we headed back to the car to make the return journey to Blyth, but using the coastal route this time to visit some of the small coastal villages.

As we travelled we called in to some lovely villages, but these were chock-a-block with people, so we just turned around and continued on our journey.

In hindsight, the day was not the best for visiting these touristy places with it being a weekend, and the sun blasting down, and temperatures up to the 26-28 degree Celsius.

We retuned back to Blyth at around 6.45pm, having enjoyed a good days travel and photography.

The rest of the evening was spent enjoying a lovely meal which was washed down with a few beverages in the hotel bar.

The next morning was to be an early rise, early enough for me to travel the 20-30 minutes down the coast to reach St Mary’s Lighthouse before sunrise.

Upon arrival the sun was just below the horizon, so a rushed composition was the order of the moment, I soon realized that I needed to be further around the headland so as to include the rising sun in the image of the lighthouse.

I rushed along the headland, and set up again, this was a better location, but I was conscious that I had still not gone far enough to include the sun in the frame.

By this time the sun was beginning to peek about the horizon, so the choices were,

1:stay where I was to capture the scene, or

2: move and possibly miss the best part of the sunrise, I decided to stay put and manipulate my compositions to include the lighthouse and the rising sun.

There was a number of fellow photographers scattered around the shoreline, maybe 5 or 6 visible to me, one had scrambled down on to the shoreline from where he was including the wet shoreline boulders has his foreground interest, envy was at the forefront of my mind, still, all I could do was make a mental note and if I ever returned to this location, head down there.

St Mary's Lighthouse-Whitley-Bay-Northumberland-Seascape
Sunrise at St Mary’s Lighthouse, Whitley Bay, Northumberland.

I made it back to the hotel in time for a late-ish breakfast, after which we had an appointment to meet family for a few hours, oh, and to watch the women’s world cup final, Come on England 😁

Overall, what were our thoughts of this visit, to be honest we have fell in love with the place, there are loads to do, many, many photo locations remain to be explored, the weather was fantastic throughout, and the hotel capped off a smashing long weekend.

Until next time, stay safe and enjoy what you do. ☺️